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"It’s small size is the power of the network. Partner institutions and colleagues know each other very well through the different activities that we undertake"



ENTER is a European association of educational institutions in the field of teacher training for secondary and higher vocational schools of agriculture, forestry, horticulture and related subjects.


Founded in 2002 as a result of a merger of REIFEA and IPAC, the former Western and Eastern networks in agricultural (teacher) education.


The founding institutes have decided to join on an international level in order to develop their scientific and pedagogical cooperation in initial and inservice teacher training.


We are an exchange platform for professional experience, knowledge, skills and methods in green, rural, agricultural and forestry education and research.




Are you interested to join our network?

Feel free to contact us.


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Our main aims

  • To support the improvement of teaching and learning processes in agricultural, rural and environmental education

  • To develop knowledge and understanding about educational agricultural systems within Europe

  • To share, develop and promote teaching methods and strategies through European teacher training

  • To impulse innovation in the agricultural training system in order to modernize curricular and extracurricular activities, teaching objectives and contents in the context of rural development

  • To encourage and facilitate bilateral and multilateral exchanges of trainees, teachers and trainers

  • To facilitate projects development


To achieve these aims the network develops


  • Scientific and thematic study meetings

  • Educational experimentation

  • Action research

  • Student teachers and trainers exchanges

  • Common courses

  • Common projects

  • Exchange of experts


Click here for our statutes





Austria, Vienna

Hochschule fur Agrar und Umweltpaedagogik

Bulgaria,  Plovdiv

Agricultural University of Plovdiv

Bulgaria, Plovdiv

Euro Alliance

Czechia, Prague

Institute of Education and Communication, Czech University of Life Sciences


Finland, Tampere

TAMK University of Applied Sciences

Finland, Iisalmi

Savonia University of Applied Sciences

France, Rambouillet

Cedex CEZ Bergerie nationale de Rambouillet

France, Toulouse


France, Albi

Legta Fonlabour, ECLEEPA du Tarn, EPL du Tarn

Greece, Thessaloniki

American Farm School – Perrotis College

Netherlands, Wageningen

Aeres University of Applied Sciences

Romania, Cluj-Napoca

Cluj Agricultural University

Scotland, Edinburgh


Switzerland, Bern

Bern University of Applied Sciences

©2023 by ENTER

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